The dishes can wait … GO with your husband!

If you know us… or have ever read any of our blogs… you know that we travel together.  A lot.  I may even be so bold as to say that we ‘adventure’ together more than most couples.


I firmly believe that our shared love for travel, culture, music, theater, and other such adventures is one of the cornerstones of our strong bond.


This past weekend, during the reception of Zach & Kyla’s stunning Stinson Beach, California destination wedding, we heard this sentiment echoed in a simple toast.  Zach’s grandmother waited patiently until all other well-wishers had raised a glass in honor of the couple before standing to offer her simple (yet profound) advice.  She turned directly to the new bride as if the two were alone chatting over coffee and sweetly said, “Honey, when your husband has somewhere he needs to go and he wants you to join him… Go!  Leave the dishes in the sink, and the laundry can wait.  Your husband, however, shouldn’t.  If you don’t go with him, someone else may.”


Admittedly, this statement was met with a mixed bag of giggles and cheers.  After all, we don’t hear advice like this often enough these days.  Her statement wasn’t meant to be a threat; quite the opposite is true!


This (grand)motherly advice was a not-so-subtle reminder to nurture (far into the future) the commitment made during the couple’s wedding ceremony.  Most married couples can attest that the single-minded focus placed on our spouse prior to exchanging nuptials can diminish once real-life timelines, deadlines, and obligations become permanent, daily fixtures.  Under such circumstances even the strongest bonds can become frail.  Grandma’s advice?  Don’t let it happen!  Become, and remain, partners.  Each hugely supportive and an integral part of the other’s life experiences.


While I may not lose much sleep over undone laundry anyway… my take-away message from these sage words was the same.  Learn about each other, experience new things together, see the world together (even if you never get beyond your own backyard), grow individually and encourage your spouse’s growth, develop inside jokes, and never (ever) stop giving your all to the person you chose to spend your life with.


Take the time needed to actively love your significant other… to nurture the living, dynamic entity that is your relationship.  Remember that the time you have with this person is a precious gift; act accordingly.  Or, (as Grandma warns) someone else may.


The joys of being a destination wedding photographer far exceed the beauty of the ceremony location and celebratory experience of the reception.  We are exhilarated and honored when we are able to share these candid and loving moments.  They strengthen us as a couple and deepen our appreciation for love found, won, and kept true.

Until next time,

Jeremiah & Shaunna


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